Sunday, July 25, 2010

Run 1389 - Wavz End, kasanga


The first photo shows Queenie in the centre at the 2010 World Interhash Borneo, Kuching during Red Dress run. Others in the picture are KH3 2010 Hashmaster Party Boy, Bowling Balls and some one who looks like KH3 Hash Cash Slippery Dick. Other pictures show photos taken by Nipples' Apple Ipod during the Wavz End Run, No. 1389 KH3

Run 1389 – Wavz End Ggaba Road
Location; - Just after Kasanga as you drive from Kampala, before you reach the swamp.
Hare; - Don’t remember, I lost the bu-papers where I wrote the material for the run once again.
Date: - Monday 19th July 2010
Written by Katanga Bbi
A Hasher and his he goat
For the second week in a row, I have misplaced the paper where I made my notes, I am sure I will find them but it will be too late by then4, any case, I hope no one is watching, before I begin the blog, let me start with this one story that I heard at the hash, it is sort of a joke, but real serious as it happened to a hasher and possibly hope it does not happen to you.

Anyway, here it goes, a hasher, actually not just a hasher, a late GM of the Kampala hash Harriers made a visit to the countryside, and as you know these GMs of ours usually have tons of cash lying around, anyway, during the course of this visit to the country side, he saw a huge he goat at one of those village markets that was going for an incredibly low amount. Being the sport that he is, he paid for the he-goat with the intention of roasting it at the cricket oval on a Sunday as the cricket aficionados watched the game of the day, the idea in itself sounded like so much fun, and the price of the goat was so low that it all sounded like to good to be true . . .Anyway, upon purchasing the he goat, he put in the boot of his car, a 4WD Pajero Intercooler and he sped off to his city Home in Kampala City.
Now, the one thing that is so unforgettable about the he Goat is . . . guess . . . is. …. Of course the smell, or aroma, or the perfume of the goat. It is simple y . . . hmmmmm I do not even know what word to use here, by the smell of that animal never leaves you to say the least. So as soon as he got home, he immediately took his car to the washing bay with clear instructions to the washing bye fellows to wash it completely and especially erase that obnoxious smell that is inside the car.; I tell you those boys washed the car, they shampooed the car, and they vanished the car, and then perfumed the car before allowing him to puck it. The Late GM picked it and since the perfume was still hanging around in the air the smell of the he goat was not very strong. But he had jus t driven a few kilometers when it seems as though the scent of the he goat just came back and pushed the bu-perfumes of the Washing bay aside and then re-established itself as the primary scent of the car.

It is said that even when the time came to have this goat transported to its final location, the cricket oval, he had to use another pick up as he could no longer think of having the environs of his car tainted once again with the goat scent.
Anyway, the story continues, he took the car the following three weeks to various washing bays within the city, at each washing bay they tried something new, others recommended removing the chairs, and shampooing them separately, which they actually did, but still the smell was not going away, Others recommended removing the carpet oat the back of the car and completely replacing it, which he did and still the scent was not going away, others recommended the purchase and use of some of the most expensive designer perfumes from perfume designers like Calvin Klein, Givenchy, Issey Miyaki, Eternity, Gucci Rush, Dolce & Gabbana etc, which he did and still the scent was not going away!!! I am telling you this he goat scent fought a battle with the world’s greatest perfume design houses and the he goat scent won, over and over with each design house. The he goat scent beat scents the world’s greatest perfume designers hands down! It never left the car, the other scents just hanged around the car for a few minutes only, until the scent resumed its full duties.
Whenever people would get into that car, immediately they would ask, “Alo, Eh, mmmmphphph, what’s that smell?” of course being such a long story, he could not give a straight answer, so he cooked around for an appropriate sounding answer, but you and me know that it’s a scenario which is very difficult to explain.
Anyway , the situation went on like that for quiet some time until, he took the courage and told his predicament tot a dear close friend and understanding person, who would not burst into laughter the moment he heard t he full details of the “Case”.
After he explained himself so thoroughly, to the understanding gentleman, the gentleman told him that “you know …… , after hearing your story I have come to the realization (he was the sort of person who loved to use words like ‘Realization’, Amway, I have come to the realization that the best thing that you could possibly do right now is to ‘SELL THE CAR” At first GM thought that he was listening to a joker, until he internalized the message and realized that actually it all made sense!!! Here he had been, fighting tooth and nail to remove the irremovable scent, and yet, there was an option of this car, at a slightly discounted price to some unsuspecting person and then purchasing another similar car which has probably never had such an incident occurring to it. Anyway, a few days later, he put up his lovely 4WD for sell, and within days, the car had been bought. He was later heard telling his friends, that I was forced to sell that car because of the he goat!!” (Many think the car knocked some he goat or something, they probably may never know) On on
Fortunately, there are some pictures of the run that Nipples took and you could possibly have a look at them.

On On

Katanga Bbi
But briefly, the run was good possibly about 8KM, there was lots of security guards around, the route was long enough, there was the usual down downs and a beer stop along the way, the MMC gave out mugs for achievers and T-shirts too, etc., I got a mug for 200 runs, Matooke san complained that he hit 200 runs long ago but did not get his mug, Dayo clocked 900 runs, doesn’t it terrify you that within a matter of 18 or so months, he will have reached the magical 1,000th run. Incredible. Kisanja had not yet returned the book where we record our information, apparently he returned it during the course of the week, there was some hullaballoo about Kisanja taking the book for so long bla bla bla, ooooh and there was a near burst up that involved Solar Erection (the Hash scribe) and Queeniev (the Hash Beers), watch out for a section called WOLOKOSO which will be accompanying the blog posts where the gory details will be made. But aparaetnly the burst up involved Dog Eaters T-shirts for doing 50 runs, the word a***ole, and some other no hash stuff, . . . On OnTeams made small gatherings to work out their plans and preparation for the for the coming Kampala-Jinja Relay due in less than six days time, We are expecting two teams from Kigali Hash House harriers, and similar numbers from Nairobi Hash House Harriers.

Hash Run no: 1390
Date: Monday, 26th July 2010

Hash Venue: Storm Child (health) club - Nyanama
Directions: Drive Kampala - Entebbe road. When you reach at Zana (which is at the end of dual carriage way) branch off to your right, pass 'Pearl Suites' and on until you reach a junction. The place is around there.

Look out for signposts and don't be afraid to ask the locals! or you call the venue owner on cello phone no. 0772.501563

You are encouraged to start early due to heavy traffic on that road.

Charges: UGX 7,000

Time: 6pm

Hare: Dry Climax & Someone.

Runs costs 7,000, Food, water and Fruit is free to those who have registered only. plus the well selected mouth watering Hash buffet.
You may be lucky to have a free drink

Run/walk last about an hour, with stops, and are followed by some beer drinking - both traditional and contemporary - silliness and then dinner. Whatever happens after that it is your own business. We won't judge!!!

Have you registered for Kampala Jinja relay? Accommodation especially at Hotel Triangle, the main venue, is tight!. Do not miss the fun, etc.
1st July 2010 - Kampala _ Jinja relay. Registration fee shs 30,000/- per hasher and shs 40,000 for non-hasher. Start preparing your team, etc O
2. Old school run!! to be organised by Dick chopper and Dirty Dick. Date to be advised.
3. Ssese islands run in December 2010

This is an information reminder that Hash is for adults, as some of the Hash acts are not suitable for MINORS.
This rule is strictly enforced at other Hash chapters. At KH3, we are requesting each one to use his/her conscious (if any) to follow this rule, as our Goon squad members are normally very exhausted after the run that the little energy left in them is better utilized on essentials like BEER, socializing, and the like.

Irrelevant contacts
1. Hare raiser - Mpuuta 0772.760051 e-mail address:
2. Hash cash - Slippery dick 0772.401811 e-mail address:
3. Hash scribe - Solar erection e-mail address:

Breaking news

At the MMC meeting held at the nook club, during the course of the week, it was resolved that the MMC relieves the current Hash Stats - White Crap of the duties of the Hash stats mainly because of the crappy way tha hhis has been handling this responsibility. A new Hash stats is coming on board and it is hoped that he will rectify the present anomaly with the Hash Stats. On On

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