Sunday, May 23, 2010

Run 1379 – Linda Country Resort

Run 1379 – Linda Country Resort, along Namugongo Road
Directions: Kireka is a town located about 8 KM from the City Centre along the Kampala Jinja Road. At Kireka Town , Travel about 2.5Km along the Kireka - Namugongo Road, and as soon as you pass a place called Agenda Club, you will see Linda Country Resort on the same side of the road. The location has got a swimming pool on the premises so carry along your swimming gear.
Date: - 17th May 2010
Written by: Katanga Bbi
Hares; The Hares were Virus and Anonymous, who between them have got more than 1,500 runs.
The Run; - The run having been set by some of the most experienced Hashers on the scene begun with an amusing no chalk to be seen scenario. It was quite interesting seeing that these hares chose not to mark the first 100 meters of the run, but soon enough we discovered the first chalk marks and off we went with the Walkers and hashers immediately being lead off one direction will the runners sped down hill towards some valley and of course as you all know, what goes down must come up. The first check point has located at the equivalent length of probably four Kilometers, it was so far off some one remarked “I hope the hare did not forget the check points”. The rest of the run was nice and easy and we were lucky enough to enjoy a beer stop somewhere along the route, actually it was at the last check point where we drunk a better tasting EFE Lager, apparently there is a sponsor for this EFE lager that we have been sampling for the past few runs and this sponsor is trying to generate publicity for his product thru the Hash all you w*****rs out there please do yourselves a favor and grab one soon. It really does taste great especially when chilled; just like the ones we had at that check point opposite Uganda Martyrs Shrine at Namugongo. We stayed behind with Conman, Dirty Dick, Saddam and Hash Cash Slippery Dick, to ensure that justice was served on those remaining beers. A few walkers including Gloria, who is yet to get her hash Handle, Mama Bilahuni and Dick Chopper who are of late striking up an apparent bilateral relationship aka MOU, later joined in on the fun. We realized that it would not make sense to follow up the rest of the Hashers via the village trails so we decided to do the return journey via the main road, which could have proved disastrous as the journey too so much longer than the alternative. However, it got us first at the venue before any of the Hashers had Walker had arrived. You could have laughed at the kind of jokes that were flying around then. Things like “please make sure you wash your hands after eating’ to things like ‘remember the walkers have not yet arrived so please make sure you finish the fruits before the walkers arrive as they are the one who normally finish the fruit s before the hashers and the Runners have arrived on those runs when the fruits are not enough. Over all the run was an even 7KM run.
The circle.
The circle started round about 7:30 pm with the re introduction of the hares Virus and Anonymous, and their down downs were enjoyed by Arrow girl based on the famous rule 14b where the hash Mattress does not drink alone, after this we had the introduction of the returnees / ugly faces. Among the ugly faces on that day we had Rock Garden who is returning from representing Uganda at the 20/20 Cricket World Cup that has been going on. (I will have to check that with someone from the cricket world because I as far as I recall, I did not see any team from Africa during that Cricket world cup, where England must have bewitched us Aussies in the final game.) We Laura, who has been practicing to feature in a play called “Sound of Music”. Apparently this play has already been shown at the National Theatre and FYI she played the part of the loveable Sister Bertha. We had Ellis from Ntinda, who apparently is straight away joining the Waragi Team, According to reliable rumors that have been moving around in the corridors, this gentleman who used to run all long distance races at the Gakyali Mabagga School is joining the Waragi Team just in time for the Jinja really, Coupled with the recent signing of Blow Back, we are set to give the City Tyres FRBs Team a run for their money. We had harry, who was made to come by Safari, Gladys who was made to come by Sheraton.

• Peeping Dick, Rock garden and some FRB who was accused of running past a chalk mark that clearly indicated Check back, Warm beer was Nominated b y Pisser for irrigation along the trail.
• At that point the pen that I was using got finished . . . meaning basically the ink from the pen dried out and we had to resort to begging around for a replacement that I received from a reluctantly hash Cash Slippery Dick who also heisted because he was using it.
• Blow back came forth with an exciting exercise that involved making press ups to win a t-shirt. He nominated Katanga Bbi (Yours truly) , Dip Stick and Dirty Dick. DD did his pressups the wrong way rounds in seating position. Me I just chall. After competing with the insatiable Garfield in a beer drinking competitions, where I almost died of drowning, during the Africa Interhash, I will not engage myself in another competition again at the hash. Dip Stick won this one hands down ad as is the tradition at the Hash, the T-shirt which was deemed too clean was washed with the help of Dirty Dick’s Shoes, Buffalo Dung who was actually later mistakenly called Cow Dung by our hash Master. A whole bottle of the Frothy stuff as poured all over the T-shirt. . . it was like Urgh. He was told according to Hash Tradition, he had to wear it, which he proceeded to do right away.
• We had Loose Comer who is hashing in Kampala for the first time, or is it the last time, however, it was not possible to make an announcement as Laura told me that she does not want the boss to know, it was some kind of secret, I wondered whether to inform Hillary that we might be having an AWOL - (Okay Absent without Leave) on our hands. I left it at that.

Announcements; Announcements made on that day included next week’s run due to take place at
Hash Run no: 1380
Date: Monday, 24th May 2010

Hash Venue: Kamwokya Center
Directions: At the market place in Kamwokya trading Center turn to your left next to Kobil petrol station, then do down a few meters, next to some gentlemen that roast goats meat. Ask the locals for directions.

Look out for chalk marks all the way from the road that connects from just kicking Sports Bar

Charges: UGX 7,000

Time: 6PM Note the time.

Are: Fifi (No Hash handle)

Runs costs 7,000, Food, water and Fruit is free to those who have registered only..
You may be lucky to have a free drink

Run/walk last about an hour, with stops, and are followed by some beer drinking - both traditional and contemporary - silliness and then dinner. Whatever happens after that it is your own business. We won't judge!!!

Chatterboxes; - Loketo and Gogolo were nominated for chattering in the circle nonstop. Masavu was nominated for never having said a single word in his 9 year of hashing. So he was nominated for never having said a single word. Sheraton too got a chatter box nomination.
The nominees were Buffalo Dung for something that I did not get and Dip stick for having gone away from the circle, removed his gift of a T-shirt of his body and dressed himself in warmer clothing. He seemed to say that the T-shirt was too wet for him.
We voted and voted and voted but it’s really was too close to call and they both shared it.
On On
Katanga Bbi

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