Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Run 1375

Run 1375 – Nyondo Pub, 3 Km along the Kampala – Entebbe Highway, turn off at Nyondo House located at Najjanankumbi Trading Centre.
Hare;- Muchira and Engabu. Later Muchira mentioned to me that they were assisted by their sons Ssekachira and Allan.
Date: - Monday 26th April 2010
Written by Katanga Bbi
Up Circle; - The up circle was called by Party Boy, the Hash master with the help of the giant microphones inside the swanky Night Club. I noticed Hash Mattress Hot Pants eagerly searching a bottle of beer to perform one of the famous start of run “New Shoes’ baptisms”. She got the beer from the reluctant bar maid (I wonder if they still call them that), and looked around for any new shoes, there was none, so we could not let a perfectly good beer to go to waste. So we, I mean me, Dirty Dick and Hot pants down downed it right there on the sanding floor before the run begun. Hot Pants, I must say took the Lioness’ share of that beer. The up circle included a caution from Muchira warning Hashers not to use the U-Turn over there and instead drive the ‘longo” way till the roundabout. (I was nabbed there doing the exact same thing once, and I think so has he,). Anyway, off we went.
The Run; -
If you need to know one thing about Muchira’s runs that I am beginning to think are his signature runs, Once the run starts, be sure to do a run around the outside perimeter of the establishment where the run has been set from. This happened at that run opposite Roofings. I recall it was called ……. Something gardens, and the same thing happened at Nyondo Pub. But it is a good way to keep the numbers well spread out. The turn up was so good. We were getting close to about 150 people that started out that day. There was a timely beer stop at the first check point. This happened just right outside the gates of the residence of our very own Hasher Engabu. He served us 2 crates of the warmest beer that has ever hit my thirsty beer drinking throat. It felt like African tea at that temperature. But as they say, a beer is a beer. Run was a nice long one mostly rural terrain and with Check points in just the right places. The run having been set up by the most seasoned hasher went up to the top of one of those hills in Najjanankumbi where we had he second check point. I asked Baby Hen what the hill was called and he told me,” I have no idea”. Anyway, Witch Doctor told me that there was a house on that Hill which belonged to one of Uganda’s First Architects, (I heard some people refer to him as 'He used to be an Architecture!?) and legend has it that it was such an Architectural marvel that he never allowed any outsiders to visit this house or have a look at it at any one time during his lifetime that until now it is still a huge secret in the architectural World of Uganda. Anyway, I could have certainly have liked to have a look at it, but this was not possible as you can only see its roof from the Check point. Anyway, get the full details from Witch Doctor. If you want to have a guided tour of this premise. . Or is it premises, contact Conman, pay the usual tour fees, and off you there you are.
The circle.
The circle started round about 7:30 pm with the introduction of the hares and the ugly faces/new comers. The Hares were those two w*****rs that I mentioned above. The new comers included Anthony, returnee, Julia who was made to come by Pisser, Johan also made to come by Pisser, Bakyayita Nicholas Ronnie Bakyayita both made to come by Engabu. We had some new shoes from veteran Hasher and former multiple Hare Raiser, Al’s bar. Apparently, Al’s had new shoes and new socks too, so the beer was filtered thru the the new shoes and he drunk down the whole mix, without leaving a single drop to go to waste. True Hasher!!! There were other Newbies but I did not get enough time to get their names, so maybe next time.
Announcements: - Next Run will take place at Kisubi Beach, on Saturday, 1st May 2010. I tried all sorts of people including the Hash master and the Hare Raiser to get the venue of the next Monday Run, but he told me that this information is yet to be confirmed. In any case, we have had enough runs this season and a break would come in handy. (Just kidding)
• Stretch Marks for . . . . . . I do not really recall, but she seems to be one of those persons who always gets picked on for things like inners. Actually , the other day, she was telling me that here was a season when she got so many hashits that she felt like the entire hash was doing it on purpose .Come to think of it, it’s quite some time since she got any HS. So member out there, kindly do her the honors.
• Apalia for oba what
• Rip-off for appearing in the newspapers.
• Queenie, Conman, Perry Mason were all nominated for sinners.
• We had a happy Bash Day for Kwashiorkor; you should have been there to see the sweetest smile in the world that she gave me when we reached that part in the Happy Birth day song when you mention the name of the birthday person. Almost everyone just chall/became silent at that time and almost only me managed to shout out that Hash handle. Bambi, it was such a sweet smile. I promise her a Nile Gold bottle on my account at the Nile Gold Sponsored Run at Kisubi Beach. By, the way, talking about Kisubi beach, it’s going to be a total blast. Miss it only if you can, you remember moonwanker, he is now back into the business . . .I MEAN THE BEER BUSINESS. . . .AND HE IS PART OF THE WHOLE KISUBI BEACH DO. And you know when he is running those promos, there is enough frothy stuff to last all night. !!! The run itself is 10K the rest of the night accommodation is an extra 20k. This will cater for your transport to the Beach from National theatre parking.
Chatterboxes; -
Was won by Terry’s Pussy who was given a double glass down down, which he swallowed in dubious sytle, pouring from one glass to the other while taking sips in between. He ensured that the bulk of the beer was poured to the ground.
The hashit was won by Volcanic Hash who it was alleged that she always attends the hash tries her best not to participate in the circle and spends so much of her circle time talking endlessly with whoever is around her. Idi Amin, His Excellency, the conqueror of the British Empire was there too as one of the Nominees for Hashit. Dirty Dick nominated him for going on national Television and in Amin style, telling the whole nation that it was indeed true that there is no more fuel in the country. Apparently, some technocrats at the ministry decided that the last few remaining drops of fuel be shared equally among seven hundred trailers and these trailers would immediately be dispatched to Mombasa to get us the fuel. However, due to some over sight, none of the trucks was given enough fuel to reach Mombasa, so all of them run out of fuel at the same time. They all ground to a sudden halt just after passing Athi River after Nairobi city. So the trucks are stranded the drivers are stranded its circus time once again. (Anyway, this explanation, or something similar was the reason why we were experiencing the crisis). Anyway, he somehow survived Hashit. The Circle ended at 7:45 pm and it was Dinner time.
Dinner too was another affair. It was composed of delicious beef sausages, roasted whole Irish potato, salads, fried beef shop and kitchen . . . sorry chicken. Even those goody goodies that sometimes walk away from our food o go home and eat their stayed around to have a go at it. Hot pants was on hand to ensure that the flukers were not permitted to join the food queue. Again we experienced that problem of where the food gets finished and we have to resort to having half portions or something. Overall the food was quite enough to satisfy those hungry throats. After Dinner it was Dance time.
The Dance
That dance hall is really a very nice one, with lots of space in it, high quality sound system, lots of Air conditioning. It was not just air conditioning. Those guys have got a system that gets in so much air and expels it out so fast that you would think you are in a wind tunnel trying to test one of those new Jets from Russia that can even perform somersaults that we are almost acquiring to show off to/scare tour neighbors. Anyway, the place is so hot, or is it so cool that we should have another party there soon. The DJ took some time to get into the mood off the day, I kind of think that the was a bit over whelmed by the quantity of music that he had at his disposal and he kept on jumping room here to there. However one thing that I noticed is that almost all of the music he was playing had an accompanying video. Kudos to him. When they played Yori yori, you could not mistake the look of pure smile. (I hope that that is correct English. . . .)(Look of joy on a smile???!!! I will ask hackenbush to teach me how to better phrase that one) anyway, anyway, anyway. . . They also had a vintage video of Luther Vandros’ Dance with my Father. It was my first time to watch that one video and it left an indelible memory.
The Dance, you know, it’s almost impossible to ‘talk” about a dance. How do you talk about a dance? we Reggae danced to Bobby Marley’s Timeless classics, Danced to Lucky Dube’s Music, Danced to traditional Luganda Music “Tugenda mu Lubiri e’mengo, Abakyala, mwambale busuuti kubanga ttugenda mu Lubiri e’Mengo”. – probably Saava Kareem. We danced e’kitagururo to those songs from western Uganda and crowned it all with with the South African miners shuffle” Ntabanjalo”, which to date is still disturbing Goofy. When he is supposed to move away from you, he moves towards you. When it’s time to move left, he moves right, colliding with you. Dayo uses the same system too. We danced in the circle, coming one by one to the centre of the circle to show of our latest dance moves. It was a night to remember!!!

Anyway, to pen it off, hope to see you there at the Kisubi run. Probably should not be reporting this but as you know, everyone loves a good rumour. . . here it goes. Remember its all a rumor.
Rumour has it that during one of KH3’s biggest Run’s of the that we have held this year, caterer of the day as of the Nyondo run had not been paid a single shilling because of disagreements involving the Hare, assistant hare raisers, the caterer and Hash cash. The rumour says that the actual turn up was about 179 Hashers, however the initial budget estimate which had been prepared by the assistant Hare raisers was a budget for 120 hashers. However, someone who is very conversant with predicting the future thought to themselves and decided that the estimation for just 120 plates of food would not be sufficient to cater for all. So, in their wisdom, they dramatically hiked up this number to 200 people, and communicated to the caterer to prepare meals for that many. Of course the caterer was only too happy to make this adjustment and so they did. You all know what it means when you make any change that involves more than 5 or ten people. The Hash Cash might eat you alive!! Anyway, the Caterer went ahead and prepared a meal to satisfy 200 people, hoping that the turn up would be good and every one would be happy and then all concerned parties would get paid, and that that would be that. Well, the turn up was excellent!! Fruits, were there as usual although the walker must have cleared the bulk of them just before the Runner s and hashers arrived, but of course we are used to that, water was there. Food, I remember I ate, and hope lots of other ate too. However, hash cash thinks that maybe some people did not eat or the food run out at some point. Anyway, this always happens, but there no major crisis as far as those people who were served is concerned. Anyway, after all is said and done, the interested parties presented their Audit reports to the PAC like Hash cash. I think hash cash told them that he could only pay for the originally aniticipated 120 people. They refused to touch this money. The sitiation has been at stale mate for the past three or so weeks. Until GM Pisser was called upon to intervene. I hear he tired to bring some conclusion to this lingering affair at the Nyondo run but still the situation has yet to be resolved. In the meantime, a lot of hot exchanges have taken place between some of the concerned parties. I hope with the untimely leakage of this information, we are likely to see a speedier conclusion to this matter.
On On
Katanga Bbi

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