Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Run 1374

Run 1374 – Nanyonga House, Namagoma, 30 meters after the kobil Petrol Station located between Nabbingo and namagoma, turn right and there you are. Land Lord’s Up Country Homes. I remember seeing a white goat tied to one of the many trees in the compound and thinking to myself that I hope that land Lord does not intend to have that small young goat slaughtered to satisfy these W*****rs. I mean it really looked too young to have to undergo this humiliating ordeal, it really felt like child abuse. . . no goat abuse to me.
Anyway, the regular Saturday run fee is 10,000/= but this too was subsidized to 7,000/= courtesy of land lord. Cheers to him, and on no to him too.
Hare;- Land Lord and Mukyala who were assisted by Dayo to do the marking of the trail. Probably I think, Mukyala spent most of the time in the Kitchen, preparing the dinner, while Dayo did the trial and land Lord did what most lad lords do. . . they make sure that everything is all right.
Date: - Saturday 24th April 2010
Written by Katanga Bbi
Up Circle; - The up circle was called by Hash master party boy at 11 minutes to the official starting time of the run. Lots of Hashers were still driving riding or boda bodaring there away to the venue, so land Lord requested that we wait a little for them to arrive. Of course you know, this was accompanied by the famous chant. . “Why are we waiting’? The Bus that Land Lord offered to transport the Hasher from National Theatre got there at about 4:30 pm almost full of the famous KH3 hashers. There was a disco on the grounds too, courtesy of the hares and we had the privilege of having a tour de Nanyonga conducted by the Land Lord hinmslef. The house is surely something of an architectural wonder in the area. Real creativity all over.
We had a speech from our host land Lord, the majority of it delivered in Swahili and I really tried my n\best to have it recorded and could only manage to come up with bits and pieces of it. But here it goes what I had, mostly I do not know what they mean, but they sounded like welcome remarks or warning etc
YIKO PALLE FISH FARMING 9I think this referred to a fish farm ha we saw in one of the valleys that we passed, it seems land lord has a fish farming process going on)
Land Lord also invited those who are interested in becoming his neighbors to that he had plenty of plots on sales available ranging from 11 million to 20 million. Those who would like to have him as his neighbor are welcome.
During the up circle, we had the Father Abraham song being sung led by Dayo as we tried to wait for the late comers to arrive.

The Run; - Run was a nice long one mostly rural terrain and with Check points in just the right places. The run having been set up by the most seasoned hasher that the KH3 fraternity has to offer, I mean as in Dayo himself, edging ever close to the 900 run mark closely watched by Anonymous who is not losing a single run these day, the run itself was a master piece. The walker kind of complained that it was too short for them but as you all know them, serves them right. I have the chance to speak to Ayimar yima during the run and she explained to me that the Hash shit of a week ago was actually meant for her but there has been some sort of mistaken identity regarding herself and Etonya tonya, mostly was a result of the fact that they got baptized on the same day and many people confuse one for the other. (I hope to conduct DNA testing to ensure that they are not some sort of twins.
The run took us to Nabbingo Catholic Diocese church down from the swampy Nakati, where by design or good fortune, we had a check point just next to a Waragi Bar in Nabbingo. Where a few of us clever ones who had traveled with some change ordered a few rounds of Waragi / kasese / crude waragi name it what you want but it is as delicious as black label itself. Me and a couple of enthusiasts contributed and bought a glass of the nectar/ muchuzi, however, with the recent incidences of people going blind and some dying from the brew, we were swallowing the juice with a little bit of apprehension, hoping that I hope I am not going to be another Waragi Statistic. Anyway, any way, anyway. Dirty Dick mentioned to me earlier on that he would not be making it for the run because he was torn between having to watch the Season ending rugby league game between the formerly unbeaten Heathens (who were thumped recently by Kobs) and the fast improving Pirates. Anyway, his excuse had nothing to do with hashing so it really sounded like b*****t to me. But later, after the run, he turned up to witness the likes of Mupakasi, Perry Mason and Conman contributing or raising money among themselves to have a crate of tuskers delivered. We shall come to that later.
The trail traversed through a fish farm and a lot of downhill and uphill running through villager’s trails. We passed a group of young village lads who were so amused by the whole idea of seeing Hashers for the first time passing near their well; it was like Christmas day had come early for them. What joy!! They cheered on every hasher trying their best to direct us to where the others had passed etc.
The circle.
The circle started round about 7:00pm with the introduction of the hares and the ugly faces/new comers. Jamilah ssenyonga who was made to come by Kilavu lavu.
Lillian Nanyonga Nalongo Mutawwe, how I think is hash Cash’s assistant, Robert Okia, who was made to come by Daphne, otherwise known as Narrow arrow., Mbabazi Goretti, Natalie Pheonah, Alice Kizza, Solome Bakka who was made to come by porkino, nakimuli Beatrice, Sherina Bakka
• Perry mason was nominated for something to do with glasses.
• An Architect was nominated for something I did not get. Apalia too somehow came into the picture.
• Goofy for eating the roasted at right in the middle of the circle.
• Tutu for bringing an underage kid to the circle and feeding him on large quantities of the frothy stuff
• A group of Hashers for performing an illegal waragi stop in the middle of the run. Apparently, Katanga Bbi, Mayanja, Toilet window, Alexis etc. had stopped at a local waragi outlet during the circle and ordered for glasses and glasses of crude waragi in the middle of the run. They were given down downs for being too thirsty.
Chatterboxes; - tumbocide for talking non-stop to Itching thighs, Daddy’s Girl for speaking continuously on her vibrating machine. The winner was Daddy’s Girl.

Announcements made on that day included for us to get prepared for the Kisubi Beach run on Saturday 1st April 2010. Others included next Monday’s run due to take place at Nyondo Night Club Najjanankumbi. I wish hackenbush as around and he tries to prounonuce that word najjanankumbi.
The hashit was won by toilet window for his constant use of Lusoga language words that sound . . . well that if translated into other languagaes world sound vulgar to say the least. Words like ‘Tinkumanya” which is I do not know in Runyankole would sound very different if shouted out loud in other languages like Lusoga. Any way, anyway, any way. . . Nsanyuse
On On
Katanga Bbi

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