Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Run 1373

Run 1373 – Prime Night Spot Bakuli, Just Behind Bassajjabalaba’s hotel hear the Traffic Control Lights (Ebitaala)
Hare;- Defaulter, Pork Threader
Date: - 19th April 2010
Written by Katanga Bbi
Hares; The runs are coming on so thick and so fast these days that we are having a serious threat of being hashited one of these if the usual suspects like Conman and Perry Mason begin to ask about “Where is last week’s blog/ How come it has not yet been posted? Etc.) I am beginning to appreciate why those journalist need to get paid those six zero salaries. It’s really so much work to get up and jolt the brain for something interesting to say. Anyway, anyway anyway, here we go. The hares for the run that day were those two, defaulter and Pork threader. They hooked up with the Night Spot people and we gather at the entrance, wherever you could get parking and proceeded to do our thing. Apparently there seemed o have been some sort of parking problem but that must have sorted itself out somehow.
Up Circle; - The up circle took place at the verandah to the entrance to the Prime Night spot overlooking the Bakuli Nakulabye stage (Agendelawo) Stage . . . basically this means the taxi stage where they always tell you that the taxi is leaving immediately, but the mieediatley could be anything nbetween 2 – 230 minutes.
The Run; - The run had a lovely beer stop where the EFE larger was served to the Hahsers. The run itself was very short, the beer stop was atop of Namirembe Hill where this time we were warned to keep the decibels lower as we enjoyed the frothy stuff. The run took us to Nakulabye then up hill towards the mengo Bulange junction, and round till we returned. . Or you could say till we returned back to Prime Night spot;
The circle.
The circle started round about 7:00pm with the introduction of the hares and the ugly faces/new comers. Among the ugly faces we had that day was vibrator who is returning after a marathon baby making session, apparently, but this she denied. Georgia and Helen from the U.K. . . .
• Pork Threader for having a twin, this attracted other twins ha included Kato and Babirye plus of course the famous Dirty Dick who always confuses himself with the brother.
• Mupakasi for making too much noise at the hash.
• Mukpakasi once again for sexercising during the circle
• Same applied to Foxy who was performing some illegal sexercises at one point during the run.
• Kifulugunyu for something that I barely recall
• Dirty again for something that I did not get. Sewage for coming in so late that one can only conclude that he came in to eat the food, and drink the wine.
• Somehow thro ugh all this chaos read ‘kavuyo’ loketo, peeping Dick and Kisanja became sinners.
Believe it or not, in 2006, I received a card Inviting me to attend the baptism ceremony of Blah blah bla blah and their children and then later to a get together lunch. However, the invitation was clearly marked Baptisation ceremony. Any, way, we had our very own multiple Baptisation ceremony at Prime Night Spot that day, with Regina Nakkazi becoming Volcanic Hash, thanks to the volcanic ash that has been making travel much easier across European skies of recent.
Paul Agaba became Machinery, courtesy of the fact that his job entails working with all kinds of Machines. He survived being called Kachupa for some reason. Kachupa means bottle or a ka small bottle.
Sharifa and her good friend zurah wanted to come into the circle to be baptized but everyone seemed to think that they have not yet made 20 runs so they just have to sit tight and enjoy the ride. Dr. Wilberforce Sekireme was named Abortion after possible hash handles like Monster, kasepiki failed. Actually kasepiki failed because one hash Maser reasoned that it has got nothing much to do with Hashing, which may or may not be true.
Chatterboxes; - the nominees were Flavia Namulondo who was putting on a miss USA T-shirts and Mupakasi. Flavia won this one hands down.

The nominees were Red Kifulugunyu for always complaining about how lousy the run was despite the fact that he has been hashing for so long and yet may never have set a single run. Etonyatonya was nominated for having a similar sounding name to Aimar yima, or so the hash master thought, and of course, the hash master’s word being final, Etonya tonya won this one hands down.
Announcements were made about upcoming runs
1. May 1st 2010, 1st NHHH Arusha run, total cost is 10,000Kshs, or about 130 us$. Includes transport from Nairobi to Arusha, within Arusha and back.
2 nights accommodation in a 3 star Hotel with all meals catered for in the package. I.e. Breakfast, Lunch and Supper.
Registration extras include a free T-shirt and 2 Disco Night free entry.
All beer are being provided at a discounted price of 100Kshs during the down down time. Extra information talk to Chili Sauce or conman or Foxy.
There will be a saturday run No. 1374 at land Lords Place in Namagoma just after Nabbingo. Everything including transport is taken care of. Just visit the hash website.
On On
Katanga Bbi

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