Monday, November 15, 2010

Hash #1410 - Magic Car Wash

Hares: Mama Mia and Mazongoto

Mazongoto came up to me following the hash, seeming very concerned about whether it was enjoyable or not.  I told him it was fine even though I was chasing and missed the first checkpoint.  I cannot, however say the same thing about the circle.  The circle had no spirit and nearly put me to sleep and I'm not the kind of person who can gloss over a POS circle like that and make it seem like it was filled with hilarity and mirth, I am waaaaay to honest for that.  This is going to save me a lot of time, actually because while the run was good - could've used more beer stops - the circle was too boring for me to even spend beyond the bare minimum reporting, so here you go:

- Hash Bash, November 27th, Royal Suites, 40,000/-
- Gisenyi has already happened by this point so I won't bother, hope everyone had fun in Rwanda!
- Monday's run is at Kampala Club - zea zea as Mpuuta says

New Comers:
- Harriet claims to be the most beautiful girl in the world... umm... yeah, I disagree but I like your blind, stupid confidence, Harriet, it makes writing this thing easy :)  So Harriet is working in Kansanga and Nunu, whoever that is, made her come.
- Sir Song Man is a visiting hasher from Holland and the Jakarta hash where he was way back in 1978, before this Hash scribe was even born
- We also had Notin Any from the Netherlands (she corrected his common geographical error that is somehow quite common for people who actually come from there...) adding that they both always come by themselves
- Faruk from K'la came because of Defaulter
- Ernest from Italia came with Joshua - we all know how those Europeans can be.
- Ball Gazer - seems like she's been hashing unless her parents really had a sense of humor or she's trying to name herself - came with Nipples
- Dolly Dutch was also in there with her fellow dutchies
- Nunu has been a very, very busy girl indeed because she also made Marion come, Nunu, get off the sexual network!!!!!
- Chris Jackson is unlucky enough to hail from California which is really such a horrible thing that I can't bear to make any more fun, Yvette made him come

We were treated to a song by our new Dutch friends, I couldn't make out much off what they were saying but the song seemed to be about gay, Mexican, terrorist bears...  or not.

- Katanga Bbi was chatting up someone for a change, I think I'll just give him scribe duty from now on so he stops bothering people with his inane stories and jokes.
- Swine Flu was a look alike for Hash Cash who had bought two super-awesome Firefly(TM) lights from one of the friendliest, nicest and best looking hashers, for the hash but has absconded with them both for his private use.
- Dayo came late - strange for a man of his age, there must have been some interesting drugs in play - and never even ran
- Dip Stick - I'm not sure what his actual offense was but when he came to kneel in the circle, he was drinking a glass of wine.  If this isn't a hashitable offense, I'm really not sure what is, but he got off quite easy this time

Dirty Dick was recognized with New Shoes

Chatterbox went to Kwashiorkor who beat out Ball Gazer, Chilli Sauce and Federo

Hashit went to Perry Mason who didn't run the hash and was not doing his job as a member of the goon squad...

See everyone at the Kampala Club!

On! On!

Solar Erection

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