Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Hash #1360 @ Blu Haze

Hash #: 1360 
Venue: Blu Haze
Hare: Wanker Getter

Synopsis:  This shitty run had us doing laps around Nakasero, but as a reward for the boredom we got 3, count 'em, 1-2-3 beer stops!  Granted, they were all in the same place but I didn't hear any hashers complaining.

Circle time:

New Comers
- Just Ashley was joining us from Kigali, Pissing Katiana made her come
- Just Ernest came from Bukoto
- Just Diana came because of Sewage Hole
- Just Brenda who works for NFA, Mahogany made her come
- Just Christina and Just Lucas came from Austria 
- Just Timothy came from UNCO
- Just Matt joined us from the USA, Porn Master made him come

Visiting Hasher, Inflation came to us from the Nairobbery Hash (everyone was sure to watch their pockets), and was claiming that Princess led him astray.

Returnee, Just Joyce returned to us after 2 months of making babies.

Dayo and Inflation led an interesting song that split up the men and the women (plus Muchira) and took about 5 times longer than it should have.

Porn Master was recognized for having 100 runs, even though he has more like 250.

Also, the most senior (citizen) member of our Kampala Hash House Harriers (might have) celebrated quite a momentous occasion, by Dayo's count, this hash was his 900th run!!!!  So I, for one, would like to wholeheartedly congratulate Dayo for his dedication to drinking beer, singing dirty songs and occasionally running.  You are indeed a True Hasher and an inspiration to all of these bastards.  CONGRATULATIONS!

Hash Stats, WHERE ARE YOU???  Had you been on the ball, we could've had a proper celebration for Dayo.  I'm preemptively nominating Hash Stats for Hashit, if he ever again shows up to a hash that is.

- Wanchekecha allegedly came on Defaulter
- Dick Chopper and Wide Load only attended the first check point, loaded up on beer then quit to come back to the venue to eat all the fruit
- Karamajong Warrior (I couldn't actually understand what he was saying so I'll make something up) was wearing stripy, tight short that were far too distracting to the Hashettes
- Idle Balls also did something but I'm not sure what
- SPC was accused of not running the hash but only showing up for the beer and food

Chatter Box:
Following Dayo and Inflation's song a certain choir, lead by Perry Mason and Conman; made up of Saddam, Swine Flu and Kamdul, couldn't get it out of their heads and wouldn't stop singing it.  Conman walked away with the prize.

Hashit came down to two people.  Bin Laden was accused of keeping the change owed to hashers from when he was Hash Cash, likely spending it on his curvey Kenyan girlfriends.  Then to make it "fair" Just Wilson, with 30 runs and no handle, was nominated for being a goodie-goodie.  Of course there was no competition and Bin Laden took the grand prize of the night.

The next hash will be held in Mbuya at Daytona on Ismael Road.

On! On!

Solar Erection

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