Friday, February 19, 2010

Hash #1362 - Red Dress Run @ the Wallet Time Pub in Rubaga

It was that time of year again folks, the time for clowns on parade, well at least that's how I felt being ogled by the boda drivers as they near crashed turning around to get another look at the strange group of w***ers running through the streets in red dresses - well at least the TRUE hashers were wearing dresses.  I saw many people pretending to be true hashers - wearing red t-shirts.  To them I say NO CHANCE!  I saw some people wearing pink or orange (or blue Ripoff) and not red. To them I say: the hash discriminates on the basis of color - the name of the run was the Red Dress Run!!!  This year's Red Dress Run brought us back to the Wallet Time Pub in Rubaga where the bartenders are deaf from the loud music.

Kangaroo Crap, Buffalo Dung and 
Katanga Bbi mugging for the camera
with Pisser in the background
Our illustrious hares: Perry Mason, Conman, Measles and Mupakasi, while they weren't able to make a single check-back on the run, they did provide some neat-o red bandannas for registered hashers, so we'll forgive them this time.

New-comers: Only ladies this time...

  • Just Patricia from Bugolobi was made to come by Pisser Stripper
  • Just Deborah informed us that she works for UBOS and is not available
  • Hillary was busy making both Me Too You and Juju from Kigali Hash come
  • Just Charles made Just Doreen come and she's only a student (UPE)
  • Kisanja made Just Priscilla come - she's also a student 

Sinners: The hares brought some very interesting down-down games to the circle this week, assisted drinking along with those tubes to keep sinners' arms straight during their down downs.

Last week's Chatterbox: Just Laura

  • Kigelo, Just Allie and Loose Comer got in trouble for some VERY kinky stuff - group sex and shitting in the circle!
  • Hacken Bush had gone for some gonja in the previous week only to find his delicious snack wrapped in an ancient issue of the Monitor (from 1998!) and who did he find staring back at him but a strapping young, bearded Hillary!
  • Ripoff and Toilet Window didn't even bother to wear a single piece of RED to the Red Dress Run
  • Just Charlotte reversed her car into another car @IHK
  • Gaddafi had a birthday and tried to hide it from the Hash
As usual we had a competition for best dressed.  A few men were in the running; Kigelo, Dayo, Queenie, Kangaroo Crap and Buffalo Dung.  Kigelo managed to win quite easily by showing a hairy nipple or two.

On the women's side there was no competition.  Everyone loved Kwashiorkor's look - her shorts matched her skin making it look as if she was running pantsless!!  Later on she would try to get everyone to care that she has been hashing for a full year, no one really cared.

In the middle of everything, it was decided that because Kigelo's look on this Red Dress Run was so provocative and so lovely that he should be re-baptized to honor the day.  A new handle of Hairy Breasts was chosen, though he will also answer to Dr. Hairy Breasts, especially if you see him in the halls of IHK or Mulago!

Chatterbox - the honor of the crown (jester's hat) was bestowed upon Dry Climax

Hacken Bush was baptism happy this particular day because besides re-baptizing Dr. Hairy Breasts he decided to baptize Just Sarah and the name bestowed upon her by the authority of the Hash is Septic Tonku!

Wide Load, Dick Chopper and Peeping Dick were too fast for this photographer!

Hashit - The nominees included Muchira for not dressing like a woman, Dry Climax for pouring beer on our precious Chatterbox hat durring her down down.  But the winners were:

Mputa for not running and Hardon for chatting throughout the circle.  And if I have my way, they'll both get Hashit for a month because of the beer shower they gave me as I was trying to perform my hash scribe-ly duties!

Next weeks hash will be held at Graceland near Okapi on Gaba Road

DON'T FORGET: The Annual 7 Hills Run is slated to take place the first weekend in March, make sure to train your running and beer-drinking stamina!

On! On!
Solar Erection


  1. Ummh Kwashiakor has yet to achieve two big things, first make 50 runs, second get a t-shirt with her handle! It may have been one year of occassional hash memories.

  2. A few pics from the Red Dress and the week prior (9 Feb at Daytona)

