Sunday, June 27, 2010

Run #1384 Daytona Bar and Washing Bay

Run #1384
Daytona Bar and Washing Bay
Hares: Idle Balls and Buffalo Dung

We came together on a lovely Monday evening at the Daytona Pub for a run with "too much beer," that was "too slippery" and didn't have nearly enough young kids running along with us.  The hares, Idle Balls(who ran the entire hash with a kavera and its mysterious contents) and Buffalo Dung got a down down for their efforts.  Our regular religious advisor, Queenie was MIA from the circle.  Rumor had it that he was already in Kuching, Malaysia, trying to figure out how he could overstay his visa...

Hare-Raiser Announcements:
I deserve a big pat on the back for understanding a single thing that Mpuuta says, and I'm not going to guarantee that any of this is accurate but here is what I *think* he said:
- Jinja Relay is coming up and will be a 30,000/- fee for hashers, teams of 9, see hare raiser for details
- Kuching, 1st of July is the deadline to get visas for traveling to China
- Next hash will be at Buddies in Ntinda, after Kadic Clinic, opposite Ntinda Shell

There were a few new-comers, most of which it seems yours truly was responsible for bringing yet do I get a beer???  NO!  Does this have anything to do with the late Hash Master, Hacken Bush, drinking the down down beer... AGAIN?!?!  Maybe.  Did I actually want any of that swill that the hash has been serving lately, Efes? Hells No!!  Am I going to stop asking questions and then answering them???  yes, for now anyway.

- Just Ryan from the US was brought by none-other than the Hash Scribe, Solar Erection
- Just Carlo said she sells food and was also brought by moi (for those of you uncultured bastards, when I use a capital "M,"  THAT'S a former leader of Kenya, when I use a small "m," that would be the word for "me" in French, pronounced "mwa."  That's French lesson #1, you're welcome)
- Just Darlyne works for UTL and also came because of me myself and I...  did I mention there was no down down for me???  because of this grievous error, I am demanding that my next down down be my favorite beer: Capital Brewery's Island Wheat 
- Just Tom came because of Narrow Arrow
- Just Anita of Kampala who sells fuel told us that no one made her come and we were all sad for her

- Just Matt came back after an absence of a few weeks, incidentally he was also seen stretching at one of the check points when he should've been singing along to Deo's song.  Hashers: we need to teach these newbies or they'll never learn!
- Kimansulo was returning from making babies, five of them to be exact

- Witch Doctor was caught using a vibrating machine
- Blowback was brought in for a down down for exciting the muslim women in Mbuya by running half-naked through their neighborhood
- Kamdul, for coming in the circle
- Foxy for touching her nipples
- Mupakasi, Katanga Bbi, Perry Mason and Conman for starting a hash circle at a Rugby match

The circle was then delighted by a special song written especially for the Kampala Hash for Blowback (though it's a song that we've heard before), an extra-special rendition of the titty-bum song.

This award came down to Just Janet, (new-comer) Just Ryan and Fat Man, and the circle decided that the two people without hash handles were just not ready for the responsibility that is Chatterbox.  Fat Man took the prize.

The ultimate prize had a lot of contenders on Monday evening.  
- Mahoganis apparently bought Nob View Hotel and according to Hacken Bush, has changed that great, descriptive name to something unbelievably dull and boring.
- Buffalo Dung was caught masturbating while singing back-up for a well-known Ugandan songstress
- Slippery Dick (Hash Cash) was nominated for buying crates and crates of Efes beer.  (For some of you who don't drink beer or who haven't had the occasion to drink this stuff, it is horrible!  I think I would rather land, face-down, mouth open in the Nakivubo Channel than do one more down down with that sewage they call beer)

Unfortunately, the Hashit implements were left in Dirty Dick's car (do I smell Hashit for next week?!)

Slippery Dick took the prize and deservingly so.

That's all my notes are telling me so until the next time (which happens to be in less than 24 hours but hey, at least I got this post up before the next hash, I consider it a victory!),

On! On!

Solar Erection

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Run 1383

Run 1363 – Comprehensive Hotel - Natete
Location; Located a few meters before you reach the traffic control lights located at Natete Trading Centre. It is a five storied building that got lots of parking space at the back of the hotel building, plus a large grassy area ideal for holding “ebivulu’ or musical galas.
Date; Monday, 14th June 2010
Hares; Baby Hen and Kilavu love
The Run;
The run was a standard run, just slightly short of 8 KM, although the Hare later told me it was about 9.5Km. It started from the Hash venue then went a few hundred meters along the road towards Ndeeba then branched off to climbs that big hill that you see when you reach Ndeeba, is it called Mutundwe or something. Anyway the Hares were very creative in ensuring the check points were well spread out and the runners and Hashers and the walkers reach the check points just right on time. The final section of the run took us all the way to the very top of the Hill and then it was check back time. The rest of ht run was three KM rum down the hill from the very top to the Hash venue. It actually could have been the 9.5 KM that the hare claimed it would be. After the run, we were treated to a sumptuous meal of bananas and the usual pine apples and water melon. . . Actually did you know that Water melon is the only fruit that does not have a Luganda translation . . . I heard that from somewhere near the Nakasero Market area. The translation of the word water melon is Water meloni (not that the letter “i” does not really count. Anyway, when we returned to the hash venue, we found that the World cup match between Cameroun and South Korea had been won by the South Koreans, and had ended about 30 minutes. Come to think of it, did you know some of the most tightly guarded secrets of the World cup happened in the 1942 World cup in Berlin Germany? I bet you did not know it but it is something that is only spoken or is it whispered in the corridors of the World cup head quarters. I hear there was a match in which China was playing against the Democratic republic of Congo and back then which was called Zaire and the match ended with an incredible score something like 24-0 because they way when the goal keeper would attempt to grab the ball, it would turn into a snake and he would run away from it. I hear that one of the teams requested the referee to allow them to play bare feet at the half time because they were not used to wearing football boots!! The full details of that match will never be revealed as there is a permanent injunction or do the Liars call it caveat was placed on the records by FIFA lawyer. Do not quote me.
The circle.
The circle started in the absence of the down downs. Some ignoramus decided to call the circle in regardless of the absence of the drinks that tare given out to sinners and new comers otherwise known as down downs. After a brief delay marked by the famous Christmas hash hit single “Why are we waiting”, the circle got underway.
Announcements; The announcement for the Jinja Relay was made once again. The Kampala – Jinja Relay will take place on 31st July 2010. Starting time is exactly 7:00 am in the morning. Starting venue is Kiira Trading Centre, Wakiso District. The run will start on time. There will be a bus sponsored by KH3 that will leave from the National Theatre in Kampala at exactly 6:00 am for those who will need transport to the venue. This bus too will leave on time, just like last year when it left at 05:59:54Seconds. No tricks. At last years’ Jinja relay Dirty Dick was in charge of the departure time of this bus and it was such a shock to see him dispatch this bus with only a handful of hashers on it. He said he did this so that we could learn how to keep time. Some of us learn’t the lesson.
The second announcement was about the venue of the next run. The next run will be held at a place called Daytona Bar and Restaurant which is located at the base of Mbuya hill. Directions: - after the market in Bugolobi, climb up toward the MTN Switch building and turn left and reaches the turn of to Ismail Road then about 50 Meters along Ismail Road, you will see the sign post to this Restaurant. There is a car wash bay neighboring this Daytona Restaurant. The Hash has taken place there before.
New Comers and Returnees
Mama Mia who had apparently been mining oil in the Albertine Region in one of the segments called Mpuuta One. He has shown such exceptional skill in the art or is it science of Oil Mining that He has been urgently called by the US Authorities and BP Management to try and find out a way of helping to stop that oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico once and for all!! He recommended the sending of a Nuclear Missile down to the base of that thing and blasts that thing to kingdom come. It is hoped that the force of the blast will scatter a lot of debris which is likely to close the leak, at least for some time as we think of “banange” what shall we do (or is it “Why shall I do?). The thing has refused to stop!! Anyway, If this Mama Mia solution fails, we will contact Teeny, who has been in outside countries for such a long time to get us the Final Solution to this quagmire.
Other New comers included Adam Harris., who was made to come by Chi also a new comer. Apparently Chi is both from the UK and Nigeria; I hope you know what that means because I do not. Both of these people were made to come by Charlotte.
Hackenbush remarked that a new public holiday had been officially commemorated and will be observed on the 7th June of every year. This will be the “National Pot hole Day” and he noticed Mama Mia fishing a large Nile Perch aka mpuuta from a Pothole in Bugolobi recently on the 7th of June. Mama Mia instantly became a sinner for this crime.
Toilet Window was nominated for a down down for starting a countdown somewhere in between mid way the numbers. He started at 2, then 3 then 4. He too was a nominated by Hackenbush.
Muchira was nominated for short cutting somewhere during the circle.
We song to them the famous 20 toes down down sang.
Happy Bashday.
Queenie announced that a regular Hashette would be celebrating her birth day some time soon. The Birth day girl is Bowling Balls and when asked how old will you be, someone remarked, she is approaching thirty, another one remarked, just like the famous cartoon “Ekanya” . . . From which Direction?. This must have bemused Kandahar as she kept on repeating the whole line over and over. I am sure she was hearing it for the first time. On On
Apparently, during her down down moment, Arrow Girl joined her and the two did their thing together.
Other sinner included Bent Dick for bringing a returnee and failing to declare this returnee to all of us gathered there. The returnee was called Pauline Mayanja.
Other Sinners
Dirty Dick Nominated Mahoganess for buying a whole bar in the suburbs of Kampala called “The Spot After”. He apparently read the story in the popular Tabloid “The Red Pepper”, which flattered her so much introducing her as “Auntie Money” (Remember Uncle Money), and she was so embarrassed about this un-solicitated publicity that she asked the Red Pepper Management that please with draw that article. They promptly withdrew it with apologies. . . But of course for us at the Hash, we know what we know. The next time you are in the area, just go there and leave the Bill or is it (The Bell) (As Hillary told us recently when he asks the waitresses to bring him the Bill, they instead bring him a cold Bell). Anyway, leave the Bill in the names of Mahoganess or the Hash Cash. They will pay! (Fat Chance of that happening).
Anyway, DD asked Mahoganess to appear or any other Liar; they were nowhere to be seen so Kifulugunyu, a state Attorney who only practices in Juba stepped in to represent the Liars.
Chatterboxes; - Toilet Window, for shouting louder than the Vuvuzelas that are rocking Soccer City in Johannesburg, World cup 2010. Peeping Dick was nominated for not complaining about the human Vuvuzela in Toilet window who was just next to him.
Baby Hen was nominated for never having said anything wrong in the circle or out of it.
Chatter box was won by baby Hen hands down.
Hashshit;- The Nominees for the most prestigious award were;- Elephant, who had been sweating gallons during the hard run up that hill and back, for wisely for is it unwisely changing his T-shirt for a drier one (or is it Dryer one) during the circle.
Dick Chopper was nominated for leading some young men astray during the run.
Yours truly was nominated for forgetting to remove his kit from the vehicle of Federo, and Federo driving away with his entire kit, and then later hooking a lift from GM Hackenbush and then getting lost in trying to locate the flat.
Dick Chopper won this one hands down.
After the circle, it was meal time, and time of watch the match between Italy and Paraguay, and the management was convinced to show the match on the giant screen and they obliged.
On On
Katanga BBI

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Run 1382

Run 1382 – Victoria Suites Namasuba Entebbe Road, About 5 KM along the Kampala Entebbe Road turn left at the flat section in the valley past Moil Petrol Station.

Date: Monday 7th June 2010,
Hares: Kamdulu, Horse Pipe & Sudhir

The Run;
Before I go into that part of the run and stuff, there are some very interesting stories that I have been meaning to include in this blog but somehow I have missed the opportunity on numerous occasions, however, here we go.
1. Did you know that there as a time not so long ago, that our dear Hare Raiser, Mpuuta booked for food twice at the same run, and ended up with two caterers all scheduled to supply their food at the run, and both of who showed up?! Actually due to some misunderstanding with the Hare, or some confusion between the Hare Raiser and the hare, or call it a lot of confusion between the two, our dear Mpuuta arrives with the food at the run after the circle had ended only to see Hashers and Hashettes lining up and being served by some “other” strange Caterer. He started asking someone . . .”Eeeeh who brought this food??”, before he got a chance to get a response he added . . . “But Eeyyeeee, didn’t I TOLD her not to bring the food” Didn’t I TOLD her that I will bring the food. . .” “Now what am I going to do with this food Banange”,”I have already paid my own money for it” Do you think Hash Cash will give me a refund”. . . etc. You should have been there, I should have been there, but from what I heard, it was probably one of the most Hilarious scenes from Hash Mismanagement Teams that you will ever come across. You could have laughed your head off. It was hilarious beyond belief. I am told eventually that this “second food” was not eaten by the Hashers; I do not know what exactly he did to it. Did he take it back to the person whom he bought it from to sell it back to them? Did he get a group of Homeless people in Kampala and gave them a feast to remember? Ask him the next you meet him.
2. The second incident happened to one of the Players from the English Football Team, he asked his wife to pack for him the kit to travel with, and did a most perfect job of packing the full kit but instead of packing one pair of football boots, she packed two left shoes!!. The poor fellow only realized it minutes to boarding the bus that would take them to the stadium to play, and started dashing around the Hotel Lobby and shopping centre to try and save the situation of having to wear two left boots. It reminds me of those so many times when I clearly thought that I had packed my shoes in the bag and realized it at the last moment that actually I did not pack the shoes but left them just by the door or something similar.
3. The third story is something that I know is much more interesting than these two, but I have forgotten. Maybe next time. By the way, in further trying to revolutionalize (what a long word) the Hash blog, we are going to be inviting hashers and Hashettes to have their say and write the blogs for some of the remaining articles of this year blog posting, considering that variety is the spice of life. The next article is probably going to be posted by Arrow Girl’s gal Narrow Arrow. Watch this space.
The Run -1382.
“The run took us through the exact same route as the one that was set at the same venue there a few weeks ago” were the words of Late Multiple GM, Hackenbush, and I couldn’t agree more. Same run along the Entebbe road, then zig zagging til the top of the Hill to reach the Home of the famous Architect that did not want the Architectural wonders of anyone discovered, and ending up on top of one of the highest levels around the Namasuba Area, a spectacularly breathtaking view of the Kampala City Centre and the surrounding view where you can see the lake Victoria and all, it was one of the highlights of the run. It was fantastic being there on top of this hill admiring the City of Seven Hills which is fast becoming 21.
Many w****rs returned quite exhausted by the run, it was Longish, if there is such a word as “Longish”, but the fact is that the runners route was 6-8 KM, while the walkers were not spared either, as there was no room for short cutting.

New Comers
Peace, a Hash Virgin was made to come by Ellis
Pretty Frida, a House wife visiting form a Hash Hose in Indonesia
Bacon and Eggs, a visiting late GM from the Hanoi Hash House Harriers.
Katamba Deo was made to come by Dr. Sekirime Wilberforce who apparently was recently baptized, but I forget his hash handle
We had a sang which was song by the visiting hasher from Hanoi Hash House Harriers – I bet their abbreviation is (H4). He was the famous Bacon and Eggs, he gave us a rendition of the Hanoi Song that has some of the following lyrics. . Hanoi a wonderful place hash come along and sing a song from the wonderful Hanoi Hash. Etc

Dirty Dick nominated Rip Off for having appeared in the famous Onion Newspaper advertising something to do with being skinned off.
Hackenbush nominated Rock Garden for despite having so many runs, moving around while needlessly making so much noise.
Hackenbush again nominated Bowling Balls for having fallen over about six weeks ago and not knowing that she had actually sustained fractured both her arms in that fall, and only realizing that she had actually broken her arms after seeing another doctor. (perhaps the first doctor that you saw was not a real doctor but a witch doctor)(Anyway, glad to know that the problem has been traced and the solution is fast on its way, On On Bowling Balls)
Deborah Kalibala was nominated for talking in the circle
At this juncture, or should I say that at his Junction, just like the good mayor of this town when he said “These are the 10 reasons why I AM LEFT DP and forming another party”. At this junction, we had a word from the visiting GM from H4 who presented Hash badges to the Hash Master Party Boy and another English Gentleman who has about 4 runs called Mark Amos.
Actually, upon presenting this memento, someone recalled the recent story of an English Man in New York Kampala who grabbed a sleek Mobile Phone from a shop in Kampala and took off as fast as his legs would take him. He was nabbed right in the centre of the city and taken to Central Police Station, Kampala, where he confessed that he had stolen the phone because his papers, bank cards, passport and other valuables were stolen by some goons in Kampala, along the street. He further claimed that he had reported the matter to the British High Commission, in Kampala but they were yet to secure the replacement documents so he had been forced to commit this action. The television stations later in the evening showed him being man handled at the CPS as he wanted to escape again, the pictures from the station actually show him receiving some hot slaps and being kicked into the cell, but off course someone is going to come around and deny this ever happened. It was simply outrageous, but as they say here, that’s life Mwattu. Meaning that’s life my dear friend.
Anyway, the events involving that particular English gentleman who is actually a flight engineer by profession ensured that all English Men in the circle get a down down . . . And of course when the mighty English men gather and Queenie is not there among them, then, that gathering is incomplete. So Queenie was also called to receive the down down together with his fellow English men that included Hackenbush, Mark Amos, Bacon and eggs, plus Blow back. Dirty Dick later told me that actually Queenie is not an English Man he is an American . . . or the Luganda translation is even funnier . . .”Oyo Mu Mellica” .
Somewhere at this point, we had a new shoes buy one of the GM, it could have been Pisser, I do not recall, but of course you know, that when one grand master drinks., all grand masters drinks, and so it was another major down down involving Party Boy, Kabuki, pisser, Hackenbush, visiting GM Bacon and Eggs, the usual suspects Arrow girl representing the Hash mattresses who by the way are getting scarcer and scarcer at the circle!!?? Somehow Muchira got into the act of doing the new shoes thingie, probably he either had new shoes too or thinks he is a ground master not Grand Master. On On!
The Annual Jinja Relay has been brought forward to July 31st 2010, instead of the previously announced date of 7th August. The reason was not given, so tentatively, everyone out there, take note the JINJA RELAY IS GOING TO BE RUN ON 31ST JULY 2010.
Announcements continued:- Next week’s run will be taking place at Comprehensive Hotel Natete as you are approaching Ndeeba, when you reach the area; there is a “Tall whatever” to use the exact same words of our dear Hare Raiser.
Chatter Boxes
Ellis & some one that I forget for talking too much.
Dick Chopper and whopper for chattering the night away.
You will remember that Dick Chopper had won this chatter box at the last count and this time democracy ruled and Whopper won it hands down.
Hashit/Hash Shit

The nominees for this top award went to yours truly for Irrigating along the trail. As you all know there is only one Pisser on the hash and since it is not Katanga BBi and he is caught doing it, then he gets the nomination. At this point I thought I would have the Obama factor and win this one too, until Dirty Dick stepped in and brought in another nominee for hash Shit. Apparently, DD attended the ten O’clock Sunday service at Christ the King Church in Kampala City and as he humbly made his way out of the crowded Church, he had some one call out DIRTY DICK !! . He turned around only to see Mupakasi smiling to him, ear to ear. Since Mupakasi had not yet arrived, we looked around for any Liar but they all refused to join into the fun.
The third and final nominee for the prestigious prize was Foxy. Foxy was observed by the Eagle eyed acting Hash Cash for not having paid the mandatory 7.000/= for the run at the last week’s run. On being asked why she had not paid, she said, that “I wanted to pay but the book was not there”. Actually this sounds like a very good excuse not to pay . . . Let’s hear it again “I WANTED TO PAY BUT THE BOOK WAS NOT THERE!”
Foxy took home the Hash Shit for the day, and that my friend was the conclusion of the circle.
Involving more writers . . .
It’s been lots of fun to write down these blog pages, although it requires tremendous chunks of time, and a pen and paper, it was truly memorable. We would like to have more of the hashers enjoy the power of the pen too so we shall be asking different personalities to write the week’s blog and help them post it after some minor editing and stuff. Next week will be narrow Arrow . . .; my words of advice “Just let those words flow and live your life!”
A word from Al’s Bar.
You all know that Al’s is organizing this year’s Jinja Relay, on behalf of the KH3 and he called me recently and we spoke for a few minutes. A part from being one of the people who were very instrumental in starting the Kampala-Jinja Relay, Al’s bar has been one of the people who have always promoted the significance ad stature of this event to higher and more International level. Al’s was telling me that he would love to have this relay leave and indelible mark on the lives of some of the people who stay/reside along the towns that he relay cris-crosses.
What if every team that showed up at the start of the Jinja Relay showed up with all their necessary equipment and supplies PLUS something a little more to give away to the people along the route. Perhaps at the check point where they are supposed to supply water, they could make some sort of charitable contribution someone there. This charitable contribution could preferably be channeled through the local authorities such as the Local Council One Chief or Women’s Leader or something. The whole concept of the Relay could leave a Legacy. Yeah we are talking legacy now not just spending the whole day running and drinking beer and only leaving a legacy of bottle tops along the way. Okay we could leave a legacy of beer bottle tops along the way, and also something for Mr. and Mrs. Charity. . . Every Team could think of a charitable act that they will perform at a given check point during the relay and then do it on that day . . . and then leave a legacy, and then next year we shall do something g similar, and see how it can be improved and then it will all be that extra, a little bit more meaningful to run the Jinja Relay. Makes sense to me.
The whole idea/concept is still at idea level, however, with your input, it could become more and more of a reality so we shall need you to contribute your advice first and in Bush Speak after Haiti “You do not need to send blankets, Cornflakes and stuff, Just send Money” . . . Anyway, seriously, this Charity along the Jinja relay idea could prove to be a hit. Join in, support it, On On!!

Katanga Bbi

Friday, June 4, 2010

Run 1381 - Hot Spice, Kabusu

Run 1381, Hot Spice Kabusu, Date 31st May 2010.

Hares; Etonya tonya and Bissy Mirembe. Etonya tonya did the actual haring of the run alone tha t eveneing as her co-hare was locked up in some kind of traffic jam that managed to ease some time during the circle.

Announcement; before the run begun, there was an announcement that the next Africa Interhash would be taking place in the Ethiopian Capital Addis Ababa over the first week end of May 2011. So please those who intend to make the trip need to contact the organizers in time. (those who want to pay only half of the fee, and win themselves free Air tickets to the capital, plus free accomodation in Addis Ababa and lots of Black labels, Jack Daniels on the house etc should contact Conman.)

The Run

The run begun at Hot Spice Bar and retaurant and went down hill to the beginnning of the hill then round again til we came to the bottom of the hill that climbs up to reach the Rubaga Cathedral. It was quite a steep climb and I almost thought Blow back had short cutted the hill and went with the Hashers as he was so far gone up the hill that it was simple incredible to imagine him so far out there, leaving all the regular FRBs behind. later i confronted him with this allegation and he told me, "Don't insult me" that he would never short cut. Apparently he added that he has been hashing for the last so many years actually since he was 18. Anyway, at the top of this Rubaga Hill, we had the check point numero uno, actually it was at his check point that Dirty Dick commited the action that would later bring him Hash shit. You see, the Rubaga Hil being so steep and all, when DD had reached the top of the hill, he was so breatheless and all and in the process of recovering he walked close to where hackenbush was and did this, . . . Haarrrrcck cccchewwwwrgggghh! the sound of that awfull sound coming from some ones mouth could only mean one thing, some thing awful. from the pronounciation of that alone, and the demo that Hackenbush gave us, you can only imagine that he deserved his Hash shit, which he later got. Acutally, DD later told me that lately, he has been packing an extra pair of shorts and an extra T-shirt as you know a veteran hash should always do just in case, however, he had reached some point and found this bit absolutely unnecessary having been one of the people who are in things with the new committee. This was not to be the case this time as the famous HS landed right on him and he had to spend the rest of the evening moving around in those half dry shorts. Anyway, there is always next time DD so be ready then.

The run continued:- After the first check point, the Hashers were led off a trail off Rubaga Girls school, which actually was one of the many innovations of this trail. Actually i am only saying that because the Hare, or Hareress of this trailed warned me, using the very same tone of voice that was used in the God Father II, call it gave me a stern warning during the run when i was trying out all sorts of things to make, the hare as uncomfortable as possible, like shouting out as loud as you can "Are we lost?!!" it makes them nervy and really does make it a little interesting to see them respond no we are not lost. . . just continue. but today's hare, she was taking all this quite personally., asking but you katanga, how come when you host those hashes of yours were your trail takes us to those ghetto-like places of yours, with the most disturbng smells, no body complains?!! I wanted to tell her that tis nothing personal when some w*****r tries to make it sound like the hash you set is "Not much" - Tu nakola birungi byerere?!!' - means shall we be doing only good things. . . On On. This is the most famous quotation that any one hare should always remember. When things are not going according to plan and some thing serious has gone wrong with the trial or the run or some thing, just remember those famous words from Dirty Dick when we had set the run from the wrong venue and it was just close to the start of the run when we realised that the correct venue was three miles away. Just say to your self, Tu nakola birungi byerere, switch of your phone for the next two hours, then go to the nearest kafunda (pub) and say, waiter, can i have a cold Club please, and another, and another, after the two hours have elapsed, switch the phone back on and go to the right venue and tell them how you were arrested while setting the run etc. . . it always works for me!! On On

The third section of this run took us to the Natete Trading Centre and on on along the Ndeeba Natete road to a check point near a place that the police loves to put a road block for those who drink and drive late at night. . . that is the one place that you my dear friend who loves breaking this particular law should avoid on those nights when you could not resist the frothy stuff and just had to have one for the road. the rest of the runs was just perfect as we managed to get back to the hash venue a few minutes past seven oclock.

New Comers

sserwadda Richard from Entebbe - made to come by Kamdulu
Nazziwa Monica also made to come by Kamdulu
Ebola who was returning from cattle rustling in Karamoja - Moroto to be exact - after the place has been heavily fortified with entire garrisons of UPDF troups made this cattle rustling vntrue a little bit scary. . . Actually, on second thoughts, I hereby with draw that statement. . . Actually who said that i wrote that statement. (i want to sound like that dear Honourable lady who slapped a poor Karamojong women very hard on the fac in front of media personel, inside a police station and then a few days later DENIED ever having dne such a dishonourable thing.
Aidah was another new comer made to ome by Mukodo
bAYIGA WAS ALSO THERE . . .she was a new comer too.


Jane (the one with the . . . ) for talking to Aima yima during hte circle.
Saddam for balancing a beer bottle on his head during the circle
Mpuuta for riding on a Boda Boda during the run. Apparently, after helping to mark the trail in the abscence of one of the hare of the day, Mpuuta helped out Etonya and was maxed out duringhte later stages of the run, thus the need to ride on the Boda Boda (or you could call it a motorcycle for hire), which by all means is an illegal action at the Hahs. . .rule 14 B
Mukyala was called to be iven a down down for being a sinner and she just took off. so a look alike for mukyala was chosen in the names of . ... you guessed right - Etonya tonya.
We had Petra who was having her last run with the Kampala Hash. Apprently when i when i wet to get more details from her, whe told me that she had about 4-5 runs with the KH3 and as going away for ever. the Forever part confused me a little bit, but anyway, good riddance.
Chatter boxes

DICk Choper and Jane for chattering hte evening away. Dick Chopper won this one.

Someshere around here, there was a point where a group of goody goodies who love not to run in hash T-shirts were given a down down and showere d with ber.

Chilli sauce nominated wanker getter for always being seen in private and in public with a bottle of Guinness, there by drinking more Guinness than the Scots who porduce it. Actually,res said, Eh. what is wrong with that. isn't that what a true hasher does?

Hash It

Mugole . . .also known as Land Lords brother for soemthing i did not get.
Toilet window was nominated for asking a preacher "Am I a woman after the streeet side preacher shouted out to him"Jesus lopve you'.
Dirty Dick for that action that i mentioned to you earlier.

the Award went out to DD.

Neext week's run will be held at Victoria Suites Which are located aalong hte Kampala Entebe road at a place called Zaana. the location is on the left hand side of the road as you go to Entebbe just past a petrol station. we have hashed there several time before.

On On

Katanga bbi

By the way, those of you who did not see me last weekend in Kampala, I had gone to the United Kingdom to attend the wedding of Hackenbush and Ebola's baby girl that took palce there. you may not be able to se me in the pictures of the weddng because i was the one taking the photos. . . makes sense doesnt it?!, Cheers

It wasnt me

On On
